Thursday, August 18


To further fuel my canning and food preserving obsession, I signed up for the Mpls Swappers event.  If you're not familiar- check it out.  I love giving jam to family and friends, but swapping with other people who really, really appreciate that the house got to 95 degrees while you made that batch of pickles- is just more satisfying.

I put a lot of pressure on myself to be a good swapper because there was a limited enrollment and it filled up within about 7 hours.  I didn't want to take up a valuable space and have brought lackluster items.  On the other hand, I didn't want to show up looking like I was trying to out-do anyone or prove too much of any one thing, either.  So, after muc deliberation, I decided on the following: Gingery Gingersnap Granola, Peach Cardamom Granola, Preserved Ginger in Syrup, Pluots preserved in Lemon Geranium Syrup, and Lavender Infused Vodka.  Seems reasonable, right?

And, since they were so gosh darn cute all lined up in a row, here's what they look like all packed and ready to go:

The swap was awesome.  More welcoming, and yet more pandemonious (not a real word, but whatever) than I could have imagined. My fellow swappers were either impressed with my offerings or very polite.  And, ..."the stuff people come up with!" inventive and inspiring! 


These were delicious!  I will be making them!

Hops!  (I bid, but didn't get them) 

After all the swapping and excitement, here's what I came home with:
Savory carmelized onion rosemary tartlet, Smoked Sea salt fudge, Apricot pickles, Giardinera, Bourbon coriander bbq sauce, Boozy lemonade, Pickled apricots, Strawberry Jam, Sea Salt Anise crackers, Homemade tomato sauce with basil and shallots, Dark chocolate pistachio bark, 2 jars of strawberry raspberry balsamic sauce, Preserved lemons, Grapefruit Cupcakes, Homemade marshmallows and graham cookies, Mango Chutney, Fresh herbs (curry, lavender, oregano, marjoram), and Sauerkraut! 

So much deliciousness!


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